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Media Coverage

National and local news outlets across the U.S. have reported on our Burning Our Bridges report. Here are the highlights of the coverage.

Burning Our Bridges
Bill Moyers

Here's What Could Be Fixed by the Taxes on Apple's Offshored Profits
Mother Jones

Pols keep giving corporate tax dodgers a free pass
Yahoo! Finance

April 2 Show
The Rick Smith Show

How to Tax $2.1 Trillion in Offshore Profits
CBS News

Corporations must help share load
Albuquerque Journal

A Corporate Tax Plan For Road Funding Is Really A Bridge To Nowhere
Campaign for America's Future

Midday open thread: Off-shored profits could fix a lot, long-time joblessness still a plague
Daily Kos

Corporate Tax Dodgers and Our Nation's Infrastructure
WBAI Pacifica Radio

Will Congress be Duped Again on Offshore Taxes?
Huffington Post

Burning Our Bridges: Failing Infrastructure in the Age of Corporate Tax-Dodging
Common Dreams

The Attitude with Arnie Arnesen 4/1/2015
Arnie Arnesen

Will Congress Be Duped Again on Offshore Taxes?
Other Words

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