Hit and run

  • Oh, Crap: The Environmental Protection Agency is close to issuing new guidelines making it easier for sewage authorities to dump partially treated wastewater during heavy rainfalls, according to documents obtained by The Washington Post.
  • Making the World Safe for Waterparks: USA Today is reporting that the “Bush administration's effort to create a national database of potential terrorist targets such as dams, pipelines, chemical plants and skyscrapers is far behind schedule and may take years to finish.” According to members of Congress who have been privy to the list, “it’s a haphazard compilation that includes water parks and miniature golf courses but omits some major sites in need of security.”
  • Getting Warmer?: The story in the news is that a “bipartisan” effort resulted in a task force report on greenhouse gas emissions that coincidentally mirrors the Bush administration’s proposal of a cap-and-trade program that has no real cap at all. Surprise, surprise: the “bipartisan” panel was dominated by industry interests who based their recommendations in part on outdated thinking.
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