Open, Accountable Government
Obama Administration Tackles Important Open Government Issues in Broad, Ambitious Plan

-For Immediate Release-
Dec. 6, 2013
Obama Administration Tackles Important Open Government Issues in Broad, Ambitious Plan
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6—Today, the Obama administration released the Second National Action Plan as part of its ongoing participation in the international Open Government Partnership (OGP). The goals of the plan are organized into three major areas: increase public integrity, manage resources more effectively, and improve public services. The plan contained 23 commitments to strengthen transparency and public participation in government, many with greater detail than was included in the first National Action Plan in 2011.
The administration had issued a preview of the plan in October at the London OGP summit. The final plan included a few goals that were not mentioned in the preview and greater detail on most of the commitments.
Sean Moulton, Director of Open Government Policy at the Center for Effective Government, made the following statement:
"We are impressed by the scope and detail of the plan, as well as the administration's commitment to continue to engage and refine those commitments for which detailed goals are not yet available. This broad and ambitious plan tackles important open government issues that we have long been advocating, including: 1) strengthening the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 2) improving information about government spending, and 3) continuing to open government data to the public.
"Properly implemented, these commitments can make government openness work for the public and change how government operates. The Center for Effective Government looks forward to working with the administration to ensure the outlined goals are executed over the next two years."
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The Center for Effective Government is dedicated to building an open, accountable government that advances the priorities defined by an informed citizenry. Find the Center for Effective Government on Facebook and Twitter.