OMB Watch Staff: Rick Melberth
by Rick Melberth*, 11/1/2006
Rick Melberth: Director, Regulatory Policy
Rick Melberth is the Director of the Regulatory Policy program at OMB Watch. Rick's expertise is in the mechanisms of the federal regulatory process, and through his work at OMB Watch he seeks to protect and improve the government's ability to develop and enforce safeguards for public health, safety, the environment, and civil rights.
Rick comes to OMB Watch from Vermont Law School where he was Director of Internal Planning and formerly the Associate Director of the Environmental Law Center. He also helped design the curriculum and taught courses in the master's program.
Throughout his academic career and while working as an independent consultant and policy analyst, Rick authored several pieces about decision-making in government and environmental issues. He is the co-author a book for local governmental officials, Decision-making in Local Government: the Resource Recovery Alternative, which he wrote after serving as the manager of a solid waste division and a program to implement a waste-to-energy facility in county government in Ohio. Rick also started his own used and rare book business, which he ran for more than a dozen years.
Rick has a doctorate in public administration and public policy from the University of Cincinnati. He also has a Master of Environmental Science (M.En) and AB in political science from Miami University.