EPA Reviews TRI Burden Reduction Comments

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) continues to review the hundreds of comments it received on burden reduction proposals for the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) program. EPA outlined the proposed changes in a 2003 white paper in Phase II of the TRI Stakeholder Dialogue.

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Office of Special Counsel Scrubs Website

The new head of the Office of Special Counsel (OSC), Scott J. Bloch, recently scrubbed the agency’s webpage removing references to protection from sexual orientation discrimination. The OSC is an independent agency with a primary mission to safeguard federal employees by protecting their workplace rights for activities such as whistleblowing.

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EPA Cancels Early TRI Release

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has apparently abandoned plans to provide an early release of the 2001 Toxic Release Inventory, as OMB Watch reported in a previous Watcher article.

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Court Rules Portion of Patriot Act Illegal

A federal judge has ruled that at least one provision of the USA Patriot Act is unconstitutional. A U.S. District Judge in California ruled that the U.S. Patriot Act’s ban on providing "expert advice or assistance" to foreign terrorist groups is unconstitutionally vague, in violation of the First and Fifth Amendments. This is the first federal court decision finding any portion of the Patriot Act illegal. The judge’s decision did not include a nationwide injunction on the provision as sought by the plaintiffs.

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Paul O'Neill's Papers to be Posted Online

Documents forming the basis of Paul O'Neill's headline-grabbing charges that the Bush administration planned as early as Jan. 2001 for the fall of Saddam Hussein will be posted on the Internet as an "experiment in transparency."

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Budget Increases Funds for OSHA Whistleblowers

The myriad of numbers in the recent proposed federal budget included a surprising change in the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)—an increase of funds to investigate whistleblower claims.

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EPA Gags Regional Staff on Perchlorate

EPA has prevented regional offices from speaking to congressional staff about perchlorate contamination. Perchlorate is found in rocket fuel and has contaminated drinking water near Department of Defense (DoD) sites in at least 22 states.

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