Government Web Pages Altered to Hide Information

The recent takedown of a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) web page and a new Department of Defense (DoD) memo provide two more examples of the Bush administration’s penchant for altering information to fit its interests.

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FBI Marks Almanacs as Terrorist Tools

Almanacs may assist potential terrorists in selecting targets and planning attacks, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The agency sent a message to roughly 18,000 law enforcement agencies on Dec. 24, 2003 urging police to keep alert of anyone carrying almanacs, especially if they contain notations. The alert did acknowledge almanacs could be used for legitimate reasons.

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Groups Asks High Court to Open Unusually Secret Case

Public interest and media organizations this week appealed to the Supreme Court to stop the near-total secrecy surrounding the five-month detention of a Florida waiter as part of what the federal government claims to be a terrorism-related investigation. They did this through a friend of the court or an amicus brief. The case has been handled with unusual secrecy (see Watcher, Nov. 17). The existence of the case is known outside the court system only because documents identifying the case were inadvertently and temporarily filed in the public docket and a reporter discovered the case.

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Another Lawsuit Filed Under the Data Quality Act

The Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) filed a lawsuit Dec. 9 against the Army Corp of Engineers alleging the Corp released a status report that violates the Data Quality Act. The Corp failed to respond to a request for correction under the Department of Defense’s data quality guidelines filed by PEER on Aug. 20.

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Documents Destroyed in Terrorism Case

The accidental destruction of documents justifying the federal government’s eight-year investigation into a former University of South Florida professor raises questions about whether the government will be allowed to proceed in a case hailed as a key part of the war against terrorism.

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States File FOIA Request for Clean Air Act Information

Several states and the District of Columbia filed Freedom of Information Act requests Dec. 4 with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Department of Energy, and the White House Council on Environmental Quality in order to obtain information about proposed changes to the Clean Air Act. The requests are part of a larger lawsuit aiming to overturn the recent rollback of New Source Review standards that would significantly increase pollution from power plants and other facilities.

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OMB Watch Submits Comments on Peer Review Today

OMB Watch filed comments with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) today on its draft bulletin for peer review. Public interests groups, academics, and regulators were all concerned with the bulletin because it could severely hamper agencies by creating burdensome peer review requirements that are too vulnerable to industry manipulation. Most federal agencies currently have peer review guidelines that function well. While the deadline for public comments ends today, federal agencies may continue to submit comments on the draft bulletin until Jan. 15.

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