CEI Fluffs Up Data Quality Lawsuit

The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) recently amended its data quality lawsuit against the White House over a global warming study, adding violations of two statues – the Administrative Procedure Act and the U.S. Global Change Research Act.

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GAO Report Indicates Less FOIA Information Under Ashcroft

Federal agencies are limiting public access because of a 2001 memo from Attorney General John Ashcroft, according to a congressional watchdog agency. The General Accounting Office (GAO) released a report saying, a significant percentage of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) officers have reduced the amount of information available to the public because of Attorney General John Ashcroft’s infamous October 2001 memo. Ashcroft’s memo instructed agencies to exercise greater caution in disclosing information requested under FOIA.

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Administration Hid Number of Detainees in Iraq

U.S. officials have been hiding the actual number of prisoners in Iraq for months, after a news report last week placed the new number at 10,000. Of these prisoners, 3,800 are considered “security detainees” and went unreported for months. Officials said they previously did not have a proper category for the prisoners, therefore leaving them out of the actual count.

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Ashcroft Budges Slightly on Patriot Act Secrecy

After receiving sharp criticism, Attorney General John Ashcroft has decided to release a fragment of information available on how the USA Patriot Act is being used in libraries. This follows pointed words by Ashcroft, characterizing the concern voiced by those worried about library surveillance as “hysterics.”

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DHS CII Docket Published, Not User-Friendly

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) finally published public comments to the proposed Critical Infrastructure Information (CII) rule on its website. OMB Watch published the comments on our site Sept. 3 after DHS failed to post them according to its timeline. Although the comments are now publicly available through DHS, the entire dissemination process DHS followed has been poor and could set a bad precedent for the agency's future rulemakings.

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Industry and Nonprofits Divided In Support for Proposed CII Rule

Comments submitted on the proposed Critical Infrastructure (CII) Rule by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) indicate disagreement between public interest groups and the private sector. OMB Watch posted the docket online last week when DHS failed to make them publicly available.

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Senators and Past Administrator Speak Out on EPA Response to 9/11

Sens. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and Joseph Lieberman (D-CT) sent a critical letter to President Bush Aug. 26, asking why the administration conveyed incomplete information about air quality hazards in New York City immediately after 9/11. The letter comes shortly after the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Inspector General issued a report revealing the White House edited EPA public statements on air pollution to be more reassuring.

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