Stealthy Officials Raid Libraries of Emergency Plans

It's now a lot harder for people in Ohio to know whether their communities are prepared for chemical emergencies, thanks to local officials who unilaterally removed documents from libraries without the librarians' prior knowledge or public comment.

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Virginia Governor Signs Bills Increasing Secrecy Measures

On recommendation of the Secure Virginia Panel, Virginia Governor Mark R. Warner (D) recently signed several bills into law that are part of a state effort to strengthen security measures and prevent domestic terrorism. Two of the bills, the Sensitive Records Protection Act and its companion bill, the Freedom of Information Act Critical Infrastructure and Vulnerability Assessments, are aimed at facilitating communication between the private sector and state agencies in order to prevent threats to critical assets.

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Montana Drops Terrorism Security Bill

Montana Governor Judy Martz (R) and leading state lawmakers recently abandoned a state bill which would have given the government authority to withhold any information from the pubic that it deemed “sensitive.” State Senator Walt McNutt (R-Sidney) stated that Senate Bill 142, which was crafted in order to protect public works from terrorist attacks, is being dropped because the legislation would have created an atmosphere of too much secrecy. The Senator explained that the legislation would have made it possible for agencies to abuse their privilege and withhold a great deal of information.

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Senator Graham Speaks Out Against Secrecy

During a recent statement in memory of former senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Sen. Bob Graham (D-FL) spoke out against government actions around secrecy during a floor statement. Moynihan had been a strong opponent of government secrecy through out his 24 years as a U.S. Senator from New York.

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Model State Bills for Data Quality and Access

Apparently initial efforts have begun to develop data quality and data access legislation at the state level. OMB Watch has obtained model legislation for both bills that was reportedly drafted by the The Center for Regulatory Effectiveness (CRE), a strong supporter of both policy efforts at the federal level. Both state level model bills are clearly patterned after federal policies. The state data quality bill borrows heavily from the just recently completed Federal Data Quality Guidelines.

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Administration Denies Documents to Senate

Recently the Bush Administration asserted that numerous documents about changes in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) fill policy being requested by the Senate Permanent Investigations Subcommittee would be withheld citing "deliberative process privilege."

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Senators Use Data Quality Challenge

On March 6, Sens. Jim Jeffords (I-VT), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) and Paul Sarbanes (D-MD) submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) a request for correction of information under the Data Quality Act. This is the first data quality challenge submitted by members of Congress. The request addresses a Modification of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit deadline for storm water discharges by oil and gas construction activity that disturbs one to five acres of land.

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