Open Government Plans Seek Revamp of Culture and Structure

On April 7, federal agencies released their individual plans to be more transparent, participatory, and collaborative, pursuant to the Obama administration’s Open Government Directive (OGD). The plans varied in scope and quality, but several interesting trends were noticeable. As agencies update their plans, these trends may become baselines for open government or may be abandoned, depending on how successful key agencies' plans prove to be.

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EPA Plan Seeks to Instill Transparency into Agency DNA

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released its plan for improving the agency's transparency as part of the Obama administration's Open Government Directive (OGD). The EPA was an early proponent of the new openness agenda, with EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson calling for the agency to operate "as if it were in a fishbowl." The agency's new Open Government Plan documents numerous ongoing and future actions that should continue the agency's advance toward transparency and accountability.

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Open Government Day Arrives April 7

Several key requirements of the Open Government Directive are due on April 7, turning the day into a critical moment for government transparency. The main materials being released are specialized Open Government Plans that federal agencies are mandated to produce based on stakeholder input. There will also be a document to address federal spending transparency, as well as a review of policies that impede open government efforts.

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EPA's New HERO Defends the Public's Right to Know

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently launched a new online database that provides access to the scientific studies used in making key regulatory decisions. The EPA released the Health and Environmental Research Online (HERO) database on March 24. According to the agency, this action "is part of the [Obama administration's] open government directive to conduct business with transparency, participation, and collaboration."

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Sunshine Week 2010 Concludes with a Number of Federal Initiatives

Each year, advocates of open and accountable government celebrate the birthday of former president James Madison, a founding father and advocate of open government, by hosting a week of events and increased public advocacy called Sunshine Week. In 2009, Attorney General Eric Holder released a memo during Sunshine Week regarding Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) implementation that encouraged disclosure of agency records. This year, transparency was highlighted through public events, legislative initiatives, and op-eds.

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OSHA Proposal Cuts Workers' Right to Know about Chemical Risks

A recent proposal by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) would endanger workers by reducing the amount of information on chemical hazards provided to them, according to several public interest groups. OSHA's proposal is part of its effort to make its Hazard Communication Standard conform to a United Nations system for classifying chemicals. The effort has been criticized by several public interest groups who view portions of it as an unnecessary contraction of workers' right to know and as contrary to the rhetoric of transparency and movement toward greater disclosure seen elsewhere in the Obama administration.

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Plans for National Broadband Access May Be in Danger

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is gearing up to release its plan for national broadband access on March 17. The FCC is required under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to develop and present to Congress a plan to connect an estimated 93 million Americans to broadband service. Early releases of the plan indicate a broad vision, but problems concerning funding and net neutrality threaten its success.

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