EPA Overlooking Testing and Regulations of Nanochemicals

As the nanotechnology sector expands, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has not kept pace with oversight controls. Despite work to develop research strategies and priorities, the agency has not proposed any actual regulatory program for nanotech materials.

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State Secrets Privilege on Trial

The Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals heard arguments on Aug. 15 regarding the administration's claims that two lawsuits involving the National Security Agency's spying program cannot move forward because of the state secrets privilege. The administration argues that the cases involve secret matters essential to protecting national security.

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OIRA Issues New Standards for Disseminating Statistical Information

Citing various sources of authority, including the Information Quality Act, the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) at the Office of Management and Budget published a new draft Statistical Policy Directive on Aug. 1, focusing on disclosure standards. OIRA uses Statistical Policy Directives to establish government-wide standards for statistical activities conducted by agencies.

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TRI Restoration Bill Passes Senate Committee

The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee voted 10-9 to approve the Toxic Right-to-Know Protection Act (S. 595) on July 31. The act would reverse a December 2006 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency rule change to the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) that significantly reduced toxic release reporting requirements for polluting facilities.

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Senate Passes FOIA Reform

On Aug. 3, the Senate passed the OPEN Government Act of 2007 (S. 849) by unanimous consent. The House passed similar legislation in March.

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President's Warrantless Wiretapping Authority Vastly Expanded

Just before Congress broke for its August recess, members vastly expanded the Bush administration's authority to wiretap communications without warrants.

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House Committee Holds Hearing on Abuse of Information

A July 31 House Natural Resources Committee hearing continued to investigate reports of science manipulation within the U.S. Department of the Interior. Much of the hearing focused on the 2002 Klamath salmon die-off and former U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) Deputy Assistant Secretary Julie MacDonald's interference in Endangered Species Act (ESA) findings.

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