TRI: The Tool For Public Protection Against Toxic Pollution

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) implied that the public had already received most of the benefits the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) could offer when the agency recently proposed significantly cutting the amount of information companies report under the program. This is not, however, reflected in the facts, which show the TRI continues to be an important public health tool widely used by community groups, labor unions, local officials and citizens.

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Open Records Problems in Old Kentucky

Kentucky has recently experienced challenges implementing its Open Records Act. Officials have already been accused of abusing new homeland security exemptions to the state's open records law to avoid public scrutiny of matters unrelated to terrorism concerns. One decision to withhold information will be reviewed in court this week. In another case, Governor Ernie Fletcher will likely go to court to challenge the state attorney general's decision to make certain records available to the public.

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California Biomonitoring Bill Stumbles in its Final Hurdle

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed the Healthy Californian's Biomonitoring Program (SB 600), after its narrow passage by the state legislature. The bill would have established America's first state-wide program to assess levels of human chemical exposure. The governor struck down the bill despite its support by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), the California Medical Society, and numerous health advocacy organizations.

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ALERT: EPA Proposes Rollback on Toxic Pollution Reporting

EPA recently announced plans that would essentially dismantle its Toxics Release Inventory (TRI), the nation's premier tool for notifying the public about toxic pollution. The TRI annually provides communities with details about the amount of toxic chemicals released into the surrounding air, land, and water. The information enables concerned groups and individuals to press companies to reduce their pollution, resulting in safer, healthier communities. Despite the program's widely hailed success, however, EPA is proposing to significantly rolling back the program's reporting requirements.

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Katrina Update: Government's Inadequate Response Continues

Even weeks after Hurricane Katrina swept through the Gulf Coast, the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) response to the storm's aftermath continues to be grossly inadequate. The insufficiency of its testing for environmental hazards, the absence of informative health warnings for recovery workers and returning residents, and its failure to provide protective equipment all clearly point to the agency's inability to accomplish its goal of protecting public health and the environment.

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Gag Orders Extended; Library Consortium Must Remain Silent

The U.S. Court of Appeals extended a gag order on a library consortium that received a National Security Letter (NSL) while it considers a lower court ruling that the organization has a First Amendment right to fully participate in the discussion surrounding the USA PATRIOT Act. The gag order is preventing the NSL recipient, an unidentified member of the American Library Association, from discussing its experience openly and participating in the broader debate about the controversial legislation.

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Right-Wing Groups Challenge Link Between Carcinogens, Cancer

Two right-wing, industry-backed groups filed a data quality petition with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) challenging the agency's labeling of certain chemicals as "likely human carcinogens." Specifically, the Washington Legal Foundation (WLF) and the American Council on Health and Science (ACHS) want EPA to eliminate statements in its Guidelines for Carcinogen Risk Assessment that indicate that a substance may properly be labeled as "likely to be carcinogenic to humans" based solely or primarily on the results of animal studies. Background

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