Wisconsin Speaker Pushing for New Sunshine Law

A Wisconsin lawmaker recently proposed state “sunshine” legislation aimed at providing more transparency in the state’s contracting process. Currently, details about government contracts are not available to the public.

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Reclamation Officials Withhold Dam Safety Information

The Bureau of Reclamation refuses to disclose safety details about the Jackson Lake Dam to a county official trying to verify his county is out of harm’s way. The Teton County Commissioner, Bill Paddleford, wants the information as part of the area’s emergency planning, which includes the city of Jackson.

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Sage Grouse Recommendation Follows Data Quality Challenge

A data quality challenge recently filed by an industry group may have influenced government officials’ recommendation that the greater sage grouse not be listed as an endangered species. The Partnership for the West is a coalition of organizations, which support a largely anti-environment agenda and receive support from corporations like Dow Chemical.

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Center Sues FERC Over Restricted Energy Information

The Center for Public Integrity (CPI) has filed a lawsuit against the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), claiming the agency illegally blocked access to documents relating to liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities throughout the country.

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Saving Graces on Intelligence Reform Bill

In a surprising move, congressional and White House negotiators agreed on intelligence reform legislation that created no major victories for the public interest but could have been much worse for open government and environmental protection near the nation’s borders. The final bill still keeps secret the total intelligence budget, which the Washington Post estimated to be approximately $40 billion. The 9/11 Commission had pushed Congress to catalyze stronger public oversight of the government’s intelligence activities by disclosing the total annual budget.

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DHS Pushes Secrecy on the Hill

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), which has been strongly criticized for its overuse of secrecy and lack of transparency, is now pushing to lock down information among congressional offices. DHS officials have asked congressional aides to sign nondisclosure agreements that would prohibit them from publicly disclosing information from DHS even though the information is unclassified.

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Intelligence Bill Erodes Right To Know

When House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) refused to bring the intelligence reform bill to a vote because Republicans in the House of Representatives opposed it, some open government advocates breathed a sigh of relief. As the bill moved through Congress, lawmakers dropped or severely limited the 9/11 Commission's recommendations to strengthen openness throughout the federal government.

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