Waxman Introduces Open Government Bill

Open government advocates, who have suffered for years in defensive efforts to hold back a rising tide of secrecy, just got something to cheer about. Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) introduced a bill last week to make it easier for citizens to challenge agency denials under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in court. The legislation would also reverse several policies and practices tied most closely to the Bush administration that undermine open government.

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Congressional Report Cites Growing Bush Secrecy

Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) released a report last week detailing the vast expansion of secrecy and restrictions in public access to government information under the Bush administration. The Special Investigations Division of the House Government Reform Committee's minority staff prepared the report, "Secrecy in the Bush Administration," for Waxman.

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City Cites Terrorism in Secret Meeting on Gangs

The City Council of Staunton, Va., questionably used a terrorism provision to hold a secret meeting on gang activities. Using homeland security policies to hide non-terrorism information appears to be an increasing problem.

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Security Measures Invoked to End Safety Measures

A large sign in New York City, indicating the location of a natural gas pipeline to prevent accidents, was taken down after a website posted a photograph of the sign. John Young, the owner of www.cryptome.org, posts information on his site to draw attention to places needing increased security. Although federal regulations require that the location of natural gas lines be made as obvious as possible to the public for safety reasons, the company that owns the pipeline asserted that local laws allowed the sign's removal.

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Industry Data Quality Challenge Weakens Dietary Guidelines: Deadline for Comments Sept. 27

An industry data quality challenge appears to have succeeded in weakening new U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) dietary guidelines.

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Coalition Reports Massive Classification Abuse, Secrecy Rose 60%

Testimony from two government officials before the House Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats & International Relations confirmed that federal agencies are massively abusing their classification powers. The experts estimated that half of the classified information is wrongly restricted. The same week, OpenTheGovernment.org, a diverse coalition of more than 30 organizations, released a Secrecy Report Card quantifying the expansion of secrecy as well as the growing costs to taxpayers.

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Senate Approves FOIA Exemption for Satellite Images

The Senate has approved a broad new Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) exemption that would restrict public access and use of commercial satellite imagery.

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