Officials Seek Exemptions to Arkansas Access Law

City of Fort Smith officials are seeking to change Arkansas' state Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) after they were caught violating the law by having secret discussions about a real estate purchase. The city administrator privately polled Fort Smith's Board of Directors via telephone to get approval to bid on real estate being publicly auctioned. City officials contend that if the matter had been discussed publicly, the city would have paid more as knowledge of their top price would have driven up bids. Therefore, the secrecy served the taxpayers' interest.

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Lawmakers Attack Science of Endangered Species Act

Conservative lawmakers are using peer review and data quality language to obscure what amounts to an attack on the Endangered Species Act. Two new bills would require the Fish and Wildlife Service to establish minimum criteria for scientific studies used as the basis for listing species, and to conduct restrictive independent peer reviews on all data used.

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Justice Punishes Employees Who Cooperate with Congress

Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA), has written several stern letters to Attorney General John Ashcroft accusing the Justice Department of punishing employees that have cooperated with Congress.

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Right-To-Know Resource Center Gives News Context

The Right-To-Know Resource Center provides critical resources on news of the day. Geared for reporters and other advocates who need background information on a timely issue, the Resource Center provides the context for understanding current events. For example, a recent Washington Post story focused on the long reach of a short law, the Data Quality Act, which allows the public (including corporations) to challenge the data underlying government rules. The Resource Center has background on the law and how the private sector uses it, along with recent reports by OMB Watch.

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Coalition Files FOIA Suit Against Homeland Security

A coalition of Illinois organizations filed a lawsuit under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Aug. 17 against the Department of Homeland Security to obtain information about discriminatory activities post 9/11. DHS never responded to the original FOIA request. The organizations filing the suit work closely on civil liberties and immigrant rights: American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois, the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, the Midwest Immigrant and Human Rights Center, and the Muslim Civil Rights Center.

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Secrecy Law Raised in Albany Terrorism Case

The U.S. attorney's office invoked the rarely used Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA) to limit the amount of information disclosed in a case against two men arrested in Albany, N.Y. This comes on the same day media sources revealed that the document the FBI used to link one of the men to terrorists was incorrectly translated.

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Sign up for Updates on Secrecy

With new proposals to expand government secrecy emerging weekly, it's hard to keep up with it all. To wit: The transportation spending bill working through Congress could allow officials to hide hazardous waste hauling through communities across the U.S. One piece of legislation would expand the Patriot Act, another would make permanent sections of the Patriot Act set to expire in 2005, yet a third would restore civil liberties protections for libraries and bookstores asked to divulge their patrons' reading habits.

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