GAO Study on Electronic Government
by Sean Moulton, 12/23/2002
On November 22, the Government Accounting Office (GAO) published a report entitled “Electronic Government: Selection and Implementation of the Office of Management and Budget's 24 Initiatives.” Expanding electronic government (e-government), using technology, particularly the Internet, to enhance the public’s access to government information and services, is a key element of the President’s Management Agenda to reform the federal government. The report reviews the completeness of information used by the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) task force to choose and oversee these initiatives.
OMB’s e-government task force developed abbreviated business cases on which to base its selection of initiatives. GAO compared the content of these business cases with best practices and found that many were missing elements. In particular, fewer than half addressed collaboration and customer focus, despite the President’s stated goal to “champion citizen-centered electronic government that will result in a major improvement in the federal government’s value to the citizen.” The GAO analysis also revealed that OMB did not have all the information needed to fully monitor the progress and development of the initiatives.
The GAO report recommends that the OMB Director should ensure that the e-government initiatives focus on customers by soliciting input from the public and conducting user needs assessments. The report also recommends that OMB work with partner agencies to develop and document effective collaboration strategies, and provide OMB with adequate information to monitor the cost, schedule, and performance of the 24 e-government initiatives.