Administration Advances Few Health, Safety and Environmental Protections
by Guest Blogger, 1/14/2003
The Bush administration has advanced very few significant health, safety and environmental protections over the last two years -- much fewer than the two previous administrations -- and is quietly scuttling work on a host of protective standards in the regulatory pipeline, according to data compiled by OMB Watch.
Specifically, the administration has:
- Finalized few significant health, safety and environmental protections;
- Proposed few significant protective actions;
- Been far less active than the two previous administrations;
- Generally acted only when it’s compelled to by a statutory or judicial order;
- Watered down protective standards where they have been issued;
- Removed a slew of protective actions from agency regulatory agendas;
- Allowed scores of rulemakings to stagnate; and
- Initiated few new health, safety or environmental rulemakings.