Regulatory Output Under the Bush Administration

The following information examines the Bush administration's regulatory output of "economically significant" rules over its first two years, focusing on a number of agencies responsible for health, safety and environmental protections. The most meaningful and important regulations are invariably deemed economically significant, meaning they have an estimated impact of at least $100 million a year, including benefits.
  • Summaries of agency regulatory output. This details and provides context to the economically significant rules submitted by the:
    • Environmental Protection Agency;
    • Department of Labor;
    • Department of Interior;
    • Department of Transportation; and
    • Health and Human Services.
  • Comparison tables. These tables compare the output of significant final and proposed rules under the first two years of the current administration to the first two years of both the Clinton administration and the previous Bush administration.
  • About the Data. This describes the data collection and analytic methods OMB Watch used in compiling the information presented on this page.
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