Administration Attempts to Re-classify 9-11 Information

The current Administration's propensity for secrecy is evidenced once again by the recent move against disclosure of the joint congressional report on September 11th. The over 800 page long investigative document was completed last December, with only a limited list of findings made public. Intelligence officials have taken a strong stance against any additional disclosure. Immediately following intelligence committee approval of the report, an administration working group, overseen by CIA director George Tenet, filtered the document to determine what could be declassified. The result is that large parts remain classified, and portions already discussed in public testimony were reclassified. The working group even expressed regret that the public information was released in the first place. Congressional staffers with insight into the process are unsure whether the resistance to openness is driven by the aura of secrecy that has infested the Administration and intelligence community, or a fear of political damage. Another motivation for continued classification of the report could very well be the recent announcements of President Bush's strategy for re-election. His campaign, focusing on national security measures after September 11th, will be kicking off during the Republican nomination convention in New York City the first week of September 2004. The evidence that President Bush and senior level officials received warning about the attacks would not bode well for Bush's strategy. The issue of disclosure will be ongoing, as continued investigations into the 9/11 tragedy continue.
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