Citizen Health & Safety
OMB Watch Praises Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Credit Card Disclosure Policy

-For Immediate Release-
June 19, 2012
Contact: Brian Gumm, (202) 683-4812, bgumm@ombwatch.org
OMB Watch Praises Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Credit Card Disclosure Policy
New Database Will Empower Card Users and Hold Financial Companies Accountable
WASHINGTON, June 19, 2012—OMB Watch praised the policy issued today by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) that establishes a public online database of credit card complaints from customers. The database will empower customers to steer clear of companies that engage in abusive credit practices and fail to respond to complaints.
"The credit card complaint database is a kind of public Angie’s list for consumers," said Katherine McFate, president of OMB Watch. "The policy issued by the CFPB today will help the public make more informed choices about credit cards and expose unscrupulous industry and company practices. This is a great example of how public policies can make corporations more accountable and responsive to their customers."
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