EPA Extends Deadline for Comments on New Source Review Proposal

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has extended the deadline for public comments on its proposal to relax air pollution standards under the New Source Review (NSR) program by 60 days, from March 3 to May 2. The proposal (part of a broader effort to overhaul NSR) would expand the definition of “routine maintenance,” allowing older power plants to make more extensive upgrades without having to install new anti-pollution equipment required of a “new source.” A bipartisan group of 63 House members, concerned that the rule could lead to increased pollution, sent a letter to EPA Administrator Christie Whitman requesting a 180-day extension of the comment period, as well as a series of hearings in each of EPA’s 10 regions around the country. EPA responded by splitting the difference, committing to the 60-day extension and five public hearings.
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