Reg Round-Up
by Guest Blogger, 11/30/2004
How to stay on top of appointments news and rumors • Learn about the mad cow scare — and the unaddressed weaknesses in safeguards against mad cow disease • EPA rollback killing children • And more news briefs and alerts!
Do the Cabinet Shuffle: Who will be running the agencies in the next term of the Bush administration? Stay on top of the latest news and rumors in REG•WATCH, our regulatory policy weblog.
Mad Cow Scare: The false positive result in the potential mad cow case that made the news is, nonetheless, a stark reminder of the need for improvements to the regulatory safeguards intended to protect us all from BSE. Learn more in this OMB Watch analysis.
Deadly EPA Rollback: Learn more about recent news that EPA's decision to reverse a Clinton-era regulatory safeguard of rat poison is proving to have deadly consequences for poor children. (from REG•WATCH)
Astroturf Group Exposed: Learn about an industry-funded nonprofit that claims to address the safety of America's railways -- with a safety message that lets the rail industry off the hook. (from REG•WATCH)
What Bush Rollbacks Mean for You: Check out this great new feature from the Center for American Progress: My Backyard, a source for state-by-state data underscoring the deadly consequences of Bush administration anti-regulatory policy for you and people you care about.