Audit of Sensitive Security Information Requested
by Guest Blogger, 9/20/2004
The Government Accountability Office (GAO) received a request from two House members last week, asking for an investigation into the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) use of the "sensitive security information" (SSI) provisions. SSI receives protected status, which shields it from public disclosure.
Reps. David Obey (D-WI) and Martin Olav Sabo (D-MN) sent the Sept. 14 letter, expressing concerns that DHS and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) were misusing the SSI label. They cited several examples including a recent security designation for an executive telephone list circulated to DHS staff. The list was stamped "Sensitive But Unclassified." It is highly questionable how a list of government phone numbers would qualify as SSI. Additionally, the representatives pointed to examples where TSA labeled information as SSI that was already released and in the public domain.
Specifically, Obey and Sabo requested that GAO examine the procedures for categorizing information as SSI; procedures for removing SSI designation; any internal checks to review SSI designations; and the internal operating structure for SSI actions.
The representatives made strong statements in the letter that while the transportation sector does need to protect truly sensitive information, the public has a right to know about information that could affect their safety and security.
For more information on SSI, see:
- "TSA to Expand 'Sensitive Security Information'"
- "Transportation Bill Pre-empts State Sunshine Laws"