White House Grants Limited Access to 9/11 Information

Last week, the White House agreed to grant the 9/11-investigation commission limited access to portions of classified presidential briefings. The commission will have some degree of access to briefings from both the Bush and Clinton administrations. The decision comes after the chairman of the panel threatened the White House with a subpoena if the documents were not released. While the willingness of the White House to grant some access is a positive gesture, many feel that the agreement is not enough. The White House will be able to remove information from the Presidential Daily Briefings before the panel sees the transcripts. This could amount to pages of redacted information. Additionally, only a four-person subcommittee would review these portions with restrictions on what they could share with the entire 10-person commission. In fact, any notes the subcommittee takes can also be reviewed and censored by the White House to remove “sensitive” information. Two Democratic members of the commission voiced disapproval on the agreement, arguing that less than full access compromises the investigation. Former Representative Timothy J. Roemer believes that the terms would allow the White House to hide any politically embarrassing “smoking guns.” Ironically, the commission is not publicly releasing the full details of the compromise. This has sparked further frustration among those looking for answers about 9/11. The Family Steering Committee, a victims’ family group, has deemed any agreement that does not allow full access to presidential briefings unacceptable.
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