Proposals to Lighten TRI Burden Likely to Reduce Information
by Sean Moulton, 11/17/2003
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently initiated Phase II of a stakeholder dialogue to develop options for reducing the burden associated with reporting under the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI). EPA is seeking reactions and comments on several burden reduction options outlined in an online white paper.
The EPA's burden reduction white paper details five specific options that the agency appears to be considering, as well as a vague catch-all sixth option that encourages comments on ideas not detailed in the paper. Unfortunately, each of the burden reduction options described in the paper also represents a significant loss of information for the public.
EPA's five ideas detailed in the paper include:
- Raising reporting thresholds for small businesses so that fewer toxic releasers would be required to report under the program;
- Raising reporting thresholds for certain classes of facilities or chemicals so that fewer facilities would have to report on fewer releases;
- Reducing the eligibility requirements for allowing more facilities to file the simpler and less informative TRI Form A;
- Allowing facilities that meet certain criteria to simply file a "no significant change" report if the facility's toxic releases are not significantly different from a baseline; and
- Allowing facilities to report toxic releases in ranges rather than specific amounts.