Report Details Bush Donors, Industry Paybacks

The Bush-Cheney re-election effort has received $58.1 million from “Rangers” and “Pioneers” (those able to bundle contributions of at least $200,000 or $100,000) who overwhelmingly represent corporate special interests, according to a new report by Public Citizen. These special interests have been rewarded for past support with a slew of regulatory rollbacks. In 2000, for example, the oil and gas industry produced 41 rainmakers, including former Enron CEO Ken Lay, and contributed a total of $13.4 million. The administration in turn moved to open many of the nation’s scenic treasures to oil and gas exploration. This year, there are only a dozen Rangers and Pioneers from the oil and gas industry, perhaps because they are waiting to see if the energy bill makes it through Congress. However, other industries have stepped up to the plate. For example, Rangers and Pioneers from finance, insurance and real estate contributed a whopping $18.5 million from Jan. 1, 2003, to Jan. 31, 2004; construction-industry rainmakers accounted for $3.4 million; and those from the health care industry contributed $3.3 million. For all the details, see the Public Citizen report.
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