Senate May Soon Consider Anti-regulatory, Anti-worker Bill

Rumors are circulating on Capitol Hill that H.R. 2728, a bill that threatens protections of public health, safety and environment across the board and specifically weakens protections of workplace health and safety, may soon be taken up in the Senate. Among the rumored scenarios are that the bill could be appended to a pending bill that would alter interstate class action lawsuits and that it could be offered as an amendment at any point in which a Democrat-sponsored minimum wage increase is offered. Because of the particular threat posed by H.R. 2728 to public safeguards, in particular its advancement of the cause of regulatory budgeting, OMB Watch will continue to monitor this bill. Related Reading Fact Sheets About H.R. 2728 H.R. 2728 Summary: Bill Threatens Public Welfare & Weakens Worker Safety DOC PDF H.R. 2728: First Steps to Regulatory Rationing DOC PDF H.R. 2728: Fictions in the Findings of Fact DOC PDF H.R. 2728: A Step Back for Worker Safety and Public Safeguards PDF (courtesy of AFL-CIO) From the OMB Watch Archives Anti-worker, Anti-regulatory Bills Pass House
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