eRulemaking Workshops
by Sean Moulton, 5/14/2004
The School of Public Policy and Public Administration at the George Washington University will host a series of half-day workshops on the federal eRulemaking Initiative June 2 to 4. The purpose of the workshops is to solicit input from various end-user communities with a stake in eRulemaking.
Participants representing six broadly defined constituencies are being invited to attend including: 1) larger businesses, 2) smaller businesses, 3) labor & environmental advocacy groups, 4) good government and public participation groups, 5) state & local governments, and 6) the legal and lobbying professions. Organizers also welcome the participation of federal agency personnel and academics at any of the sessions.
The eRulemaking Initiative represents the government's first serious steps toward more effectively integrating new electronic technologies such as the Internet into the regulatory process. For years public access advocates have encouraged the government to make greater use of the Internet. Many hope that as a component of making it easier to participate, the eRulemaking Initiative will provide fast electronic access to vast amounts of information, studies and documents related to any rule.
Space is limited at the workshops so only those willing to attend and contribute to a serious dialogue should register. The workshops are free and include lunch. (Registration and Information.)