White House Demands Power to Restructure Government
by Guest Blogger, 7/11/2005
The White House finally released last week its proposal for legislation granting the Bush administration wide-ranging powers to restructure government programs and force them to plead for their lives every 10 years.
Called the Government Reorganization and Program Performance Improvement Act, the proposal is only the latest effort to give the White House sweeping powers to reshape federal government programs. Two bills are already pending in Congress that, like part of the White House proposal, would establish a commission charged with developing government restructuring proposals, and earlier reports suggested that Sen. Sam Brownback (R-KA) and Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) could be collaborating on a proposal to fuse their interests in restructuring authority and programmatic sunsets. Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA) has been on record that giving the White House fast-track reorganization authority would be a priority this term, and current speculation is that he will be a backer of the White House proposal.
About the White House Proposal
There are three working parts of the proposal:
- results commissions, for restructuring government;
- sunset commissions, forcing agencies to plead for their lives every 10 years; and
- fast-tracking commission decisions in Congress.
- cost-effectiveness and achievement of stated purposes or goals;
- whether there is still a need for the program at all or for the program in its current form;
- whether the program duplicates or conflicts with other programs or the private sector;
- whether statutory changes would improve program performance; and
- whether the program would benefit, in general, from reorganization in the executive branch.