Sunset Commission Bill Imminent

A sunset commission bill could arrive this week, if House leadership sticks to its previously announced plans. As OMB Watch reported earlier, House leaders intended to hold a vote on sunset commission legislation within the first couple of weeks of returning from the July 4 recess. With Congress back in session, that promise means that a sunset commission bill should be introduced some time this week. Several bills have been introduced already, but House Majority Leader John Boehner has been leading negotiations with proponents of those bills to develop a compromise package that will enjoy the previously guaranteed floor vote. Among the details yet to be known is whether the final bill will exempt any programs from the sweep of a sunset commission. Earlier reports suggested that excluding the Department of Defense was a point of contention in the Boehner-led negotiations. Scattered reports have suggested as well that the final bill could go straight to the House floor, bypassing the committee process.
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