It's Working: Sunset Bills Delayed (For Now)
by Guest Blogger, 7/28/2006
An open letter to all of you who have been taking action on the sunset commission issue:
The two sunset commission bills that were racing toward a floor vote in the House this week have both been delayed. All signs were that they would be voted on this week, but they have both been delayed until September.
Why would Congress hold back? Because of your calls and letters!
Already your firm stance helped stop similar legislation in the Senate. And now it’s working in the House! Earlier this week, the most radical of the two House bills, Rep. Kevin Brady's H.R. 3282, was pulled from the House's voting schedule. A vote was still scheduled for the other, Rep. Todd Tiahrt's H.R. 5766.
Because of provisions in the bill that thoughtful lawmakers on either side of the aisle could never agree to (such as putting Social Security and environmental, health and safety regulations on the chopping block) and your vocal opposition, that vote has been pushed off the schedule until the fall.
What's Next
Leaders in the House knew they didn't have the votes to pass either bill, but that doesn't mean they're now giving up on these dangerous proposals. They'll continue their push and the behind-the-scenes negotiating to get the votes they need, and they are vowing to bring sunset commission legislation back after they return from the August recess.
Forcing these bills to be shelved was an important first victory for those of us who recognize this "good government" scheme for what it is: an attack on government and the services and protections it provides us.
We won this battle, but the war continues. OMB Watch will follow the issue closely, and we will alert you when the issue is back on the schedule. Your calls and letters made all the difference this week, and they will definitely be needed again to make sure that members of Congress hold the line against sunset commissions.
Again thank you for your work.
Check back for details and the latest inside scope on sunset negotiations at OMB Watch's Sunset Commission Resource Center.