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CRS = Congressional Research Service
GAO = Government Accountability Office
NRC = National Research Council
CRS: Electronic Rulemaking in the Federal Government (Oct, 2007)
GAO: Reexamining Regulations: Opportunities Exist to Improve Effectiveness and Transparency of Retrospective Reviews (July, 2007)
CRS: Federal Advisory Comittees: A Primer (Mar, 2007)
CRS: The Federal Rulemaking Process: An Overview (Feb, 2007)
CRS: Changes to the OMB Regulatory Review Process by Executive Order 13422 (Feb, 2007)
NRC: Scientific Review of the Proposed Risk Assessment Bulletin from the Office of Management and Budget (Jan, 2007)
GAO: Congress Should Revisit and Clarify Elements of the [Regulatory Flexibility] Act to Improve Its Effectiveness (July, 2006)
GAO: Perspectives on 10 Years of Congressional Review Act Implementation (Mar, 2006)
NRC: Valuing Health for Regulatory Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (2006)
GAO: Past Reviews and Emerging Trends Suggest Issues That Merit Congressional Attention (Nov, 2005)
GAO: OCC Preemption Rulemaking (Oct, 2005)
GAO: Prior Reviews of Federal Regulatory Process Initiatives Reveal Opportunities for Improvements (July, 2005)
GAO: Paperwork Reduction Act: New Approach May Be Needed to Reduce Government Burden on Public (May, 2005)
CRS: Reexamining Rules: Section 610 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act (Mar, 2005)
CRS: The Bush Administration's Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) (Nov, 2004)
CRS: The Information Quality Act: OMB's Guidance and Initial Implementation (Aug, 2004)
CRS: Federal Rulemaking: The Role of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (May, 2004)
GAO: Unfunded Mandates: Analysis of Reform Act Coverage (May, 2004)
CRS: Federal Regulatory Reform: An Overview (Apr, 2004)
GAO: OMB's Role in Reviews of Agencies' Draft Rules and the Transparency of Those Reviews (Sept, 2003)
GAO: Balancing Federal and State Responsibilities for Standard Setting and Implementation (Mar, 2002)
GAO: Compliance Guide Requirement Has Had Little Effect on Agency Practices (Dec, 2001)
GAO: Procedural and Analytical Requirements at OSHA and Other Agencies (June, 2001)
GAO: Implementation of Selected Agencies' Civil Penalty Relief Policies for Small Entities (Feb, 2001)
NRC: Implementing the Government Performance and Results Act for Research (2001)
GAO: Procedural and Analytical Requirements in Federal Rulemaking (June, 2000)
GAO: Federalism: Implementation of Executive Order 12612 in the Rulemaking Process (May, 1999)
GAO: Implementation of Selected OMB Responsibilities Under the Paperwork Reduction Act (July, 1998)
GAO: Information on Costs, Cost-Effectiveness, and Mandated Deadlines for Regulations (Mar, 1995)
NRC: Risk Assessment in the Federal Government: Managing the Process (1983)
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