OIRA Reviews
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The White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) serves as a clearinghouse for executive branch rules and regulations. OIRA generally reviews only those rules it has determined to be significant. Independent regulatory agencies are exempt from OIRA review.
The following charts show the total number of rules OIRA has reviewed since 1994. (1994 was the first full year OIRA reviewed rules under the current framework for the regulatory process, Executive Order 12866.) The first chart shows OIRA reviews for all agencies subject to review requirements. The rest of the charts show the number of reviews by Cabinet-level department and the Environmental Protection Agency. The charts also show the number of economically significant rules OIRA has reviewed. Economically significant rules are those expected to have an annual impact of $100 million or more.
For more on OIRA's role in rulemaking, visit the Background section.