Comments on OMB's Draft Report on Regulatory Accounting
by Guest Blogger, 2/27/2002
Mr. John Morrall III
Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs
NEOB, Room 10235
1725 17th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20503
Dear Mr. Morrall:
On behalf of Citizens for Sensible Safeguards, a broad-based coalition of consumer, labor, environmental, and other public interest groups, I am writing to provide comments on OMB's draft report to Congress on the costs and benefits of federal regulations.
As you know, we strongly oppose the idea of regulatory accounting. Rulemaking decisions are made on a case-by-case basis, as they must be, and throwing all of the government's diverse regulations, from environmental standards to economic controls, into the same pot has little practical utility for public policy. Even worse, because of the vast analytical uncertainties involved in such an exercise, and the limitations of monetization generally, it is more likely to create confusion than to shed light on the regulatory process.
Indeed, OMB's two completed reports, as well as the draft report, tend to back this up. "We still believe that the limitations of these estimates for use in making recommendations about reforming or eliminating regulatory programs are severe," OMB states in its second report. "Aggregate estimates of the costs and benefits offer little guidance on how to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, or soundness of the existing body of regulations." Yet despite such warnings, the Administration has, for the second straight year, included the regulatory accounting rider as part of its budget. This seems impossible to reconcile with OMB's statements. If the Administration truly believes what it is saying in OMB's reports, then regulatory accounting should be abandoned. Such an aggregate study is simply not a wise use of executive branch resources.
As for the specifics of the draft report, we believe it is flawed in at least three significant ways:
First, OMB does not adequately explain the various assumptions used in monetizing benefits. When presenting monetized figures, it is crucial to explain the assumptions used in arriving at those figures. Indeed, OMB's own Best Practices document makes this clear: "Where benefit or cost estimates are heavily dependent on certain assumptions, it is essential to identify these assumptions explicitly." OMB has explained how it arrived at its aggregate numbers, identifying the various studies and RIAs employed. But OMB has never explained the assumptions that underlie cost-benefit analysis for individual rules, even though OMB itself has gone back to monetize agency RIAs. This is especially important when dealing with such controversial assumptions as discounting for future lives saved and willingness-to-pay, which deflate benefits.
Second, OMB should not rely on the dated Hahn-Hird estimates. OMB should abandon its use of the Hahn-Hird study, along with Hahn's 1996 update. Although published in the 1990s, these estimates are actually based on much earlier work, and include a number of gaping holes. In fact, the Hahn-Hird study misses some of the most significant environmental benefits of the last 20 years. By failing to capture this data -- and by failing to include benefit estimates for five of the seven areas for which they estimated costs -- the Hahn-Hird study understates benefits, and, as a result, so does OMB's report.
Third, OMB understates the benefits of federal regulation. OMB's monetization of benefits coupled with the use of the flawed Hahn-Hird data, and the limitations of OMB's report generally (for instance, its failure to capture adaptive effects), have the effect of significantly deflating "net benefits." Moreover, the presentation of "net benefits" (benefits minus the costs) is misleading, as it excludes nonmonentary benefits -- which, at least rhetorically, OMB says are important.
Explaining Monetization
Despite society's ideal of protecting all members of society, including children, from the array of health, safety, and environmental threats, we recognize that society's resources are limited, that priorities for actions to protect health must be set, and that evaluation of benefits plays a key role in that process.
We also recognize that there are acknowledged limitations in available methodologies (i.e., willingness-to-pay and value of statistical life) for monetizing nonmonetary benefits. In our view, these limitations are so acute that monetizing health benefits can make economic analyses less useful to decision-makers, and less transparent to the public, than analyses that simply describe nonmonetary benefits (quantitatively to the extent feasible).
Nonetheless, if OMB is going to monetize benefits, it must explain the methodologies and assumptions, both implicit and explicit, that underlie its estimates. Specifically, we are most concerned that OMB has provided no explanation of willingness-to-pay methodology and the practice of discounting for future lives saved:
Willingness-to-Pay. The use of willingness-to-pay methods may be profoundly affected by socioeconomic characteristics. Specifically, lower-income individuals may report lower willingness-to-pay, not because they actually place a lower value on a particular benefit, but because they are implicitly trading off such payments against basic necessities. We believe OMB should generally avoid basing willingness-to-pay functions on highly constrained respondents. Indeed, OMB should acknowledge in its report that all WTP values are based on income constraints, and that utilization of the WTP methodology implicitly involves a major policy choice on the "correct" level of wealth.
Before promoting WTP based on generally accepted monetization of nonmonetary benefits, OMB should evaluate which, if any, willingness-to-pay estimates are indeed "generally accepted," and how such acceptance developed.
Willingness-to-avoid methodologies should also be discussed in the report. Willingness-to-avoid is assessed by asking respondents how much money they would have to be paid in order to accept a particular risk -- for example, increased risk of harm to their children's health resulting from an environmental factor. While in theory willingness-to-pay and willingness-to-avoid should be the same, WTA is generally higher than WTP by a factor of two to ten or more. We believe it is significant that, in the research conducted to date, there is no sum of money that parents are willing to accept for an increased risk to their children's health.
Discounting. One disturbing element of the draft report is its discounting of future lives saved. At least in some instances, lives saved are first monetized and then a discount factor is apparently applied to the monetized value -- a process that OMB does not explain.
In response to our comments from last year, OMB stated, "Discounting is a generally agreed practice in the economics profession and required by the Best Practices document and an OMB circular." But this does not answer our chief complaint: that OMB has failed to provide transparency and context to its estimates, as in fact, its own Best Practices document requires. The report should specify the discount rates and value-of-life that OMB is using, and there should be an acknowledgment and discussion of the associated policy implications, which are enormous.
For example, take OSHA's lockout/tagout regulation. OMB estimated that it costs $70.9 billion for each premature death it prevents, while OSHA, which did not discount future benefits, estimated this cost as between $190,000 and $1.2 million.
Yet despite the enormous impact that discounting can have on estimates, OMB does not point out that it is discounting in its report -- as it does for OSHA's methylene chloride rule, for example, which is misleadingly labeled an "agency estimate" even though OSHA nowhere adopts a cost-per-life-saved. OMB's assumptions should be expressly articulated, rather than left for the reader of the report to try to untangle, particularly considering the immense policy implications for regulatory decision-making.
The combination of monetizing and then discounting benefits means that regulations are virtually pre-ordained to appear cost-ineffective. But this result is not grounded in reality; it is merely the mathematical consequence of OMB's assumptions, many of which are at best open to fundamental question. Indeed, Congress -- through the Occupational Safety and Health Act, the Clean Air Act, and many other laws -- has committed us to engage in long-term protection, despite the implications of discounting.
Unlike dollars, lives cannot be put in a bank account in which they earn compound interest. There is no a priori reason to believe that people facing imminent death from chronic disease in 2020 will be any less dismayed by that prospect than people facing such a fate today. Indeed, insofar as the future lives saved are those of people who are children in 1998, the opposite is true -- people often value their children's well-being more highly than their own. Presumably, this attitude would extend to assuring that their children, upon reaching adulthood, will not contract chronic diseases that could have been prevented by expenditures today.
Further, while the argument can be made that discounting is justifiable because any rational individual would prefer to save a life today rather than tomorrow, it must be noted that regulatory expenditures simply do not compete directly against alternative ways of saving lives. Put another way, money saved by foregoing regulatory safeguards is by no means guaranteed to end up being spent on other life-protecting outcomes. It is simply false to imply that there is a direct trade-off between environmental protections and, for example, better emergency response services.
OMB discusses none of this.
The Hahn-Hird Estimates
OMB relies heavily on the Hahn-Hird estimates. But these estimates have significant problems, many of which OMB acknowledges. In fact, they are so significant that OMB should throw them out all together.
- First, although published in 1990, the Hahn-Hird estimates are based on much earlier studies by various analysts. Such dated analysis tends to deflate net benefits, as it misses adaptive effects that occur over time.
- Second, the Hahn-Hird estimates cover only a limited scope of regulation. Because of data limitations, Hahn-Hird did not account for any regulatory benefits in five of the seven areas for which they recorded costs (in the case of OSHA regulations, they assumed negligible benefits, which is hard to sustain in light of current evidence, based on prior studies). Assuming these areas produced positive benefits, the Hahn-Hird study understates the aggregate benefits of regulation, as does OMB's report.
- And third, even for the areas Hahn-Hird covered, significant holes in the data remain. For instance, they did not capture the enormous health benefits associated with reduction in levels of airborne lead, or the growing body of work that led to the recent regulation of fine particulates.
- First, many benefits simply cannot be monetized. Agencies often evaluate benefits using qualitative or quantitative factors that are difficult to monetize. For example, as OMB briefly notes, equity considerations are not monetized, but are often of paramount importance in regulatory decision-making. OMB should also discuss the difficulty in monetizing other benefits, particularly the value of reducing non-fatal illnesses or injuries. Costs, on the other hand, are more easily stated in monetary terms. This analytical discrepancy is only accentuated when you attempt to monetarily add up all federal regulation at once and can produce numbers that are greatly misleading.
- Second, using past RIAs to estimate today's regulatory impacts, as OMB does, deflates net benefits. As OMB points out, industry learns to adapt to regulation and reduce costs over time through technological advancements, "learning by doing," and other factors. The RIAs used by OMB -- some more than a decade old -- were conducted before any adaptive effects could take hold, and as a result are likely to overstate costs. OMB has stated that adaptive effects can also deflate benefits. But while this may be true in some cases, the available evidence suggests greater reductions in costs than benefits over time. Thus, not taking adaptive effects into account is likely to reduce "net benefits" in an aggregate study.