Top 400 Taxpayers See Tax Rates Rise, But There’s More to the Story
As Americans were gathering party supplies to greet the New Year, the Internal Revenue Service released their annual report of cumulative tax data reported on the 400 tax r...
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New Report: CEO Stock(ing) Stuffers
10 companies shaved $182 million off their taxes, thanks to 20-year-old 'performance pay' loophole
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The Tax-Dodging Marriage of Viagra and Botox
Throughout the fall, Pfizer, the maker of Viagra, has been courting Allergan, the manufacturer of Botox. Pfizer was not attracted by Allergan's wrinkle-free face or full lips, but by its Irish citizenship.
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What the GOP’s Putting Under Corporate America’s Tree
This year-end tax package is a grab bag of gifts for corporations and a lump of coal for working families.
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Revenue & Spending

An effective government invests in its people, advances opportunities for shared prosperity, and raises the revenues needed to support the public structures that support inclusive economic growth. We advocate for responsible revenue-raising options, more transparency in and oversight of federal spending, and long-term investments in public infrastructure and services.

A Tale of Two Retirements: One for CEOs and One for the Rest of Us
The 100 largest CEO retirement funds are worth a combined $4.9 billion, equal to the entire retirement account savings of 41 percent of American fam...
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Gasping for Support: Implementation of Tougher Air Quality Standards Will Require New Funds for State Agencies
New scientific research shows that the current levels of...
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Burning Our Bridges: Cutting Offshore Tax Rates Won't Fund Our Infrastructure or Create Jobs
This report identifies the 26 U.S. corporations with the largest stockpiles of untaxed overse...
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2016 Public Protections Budget Dashboard
A critical function of government is to protect citizens from harm. We expect our national government to keep contaminated food off the grocery store shelves and out of restaurants; to prevent industrial...
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