Rich Puchalsky: RTK Director and Programmer

Rich Puchalsky runs his own environmental database consulting business, Grassroots Connection, which focuses on analyzing data and creating tools so that people can search it over the Web. He joined the Center for Effective Government's RTK NET project in 1991 and remained an employee until 1997, when he started working for the project as a consultant. Since then, he has worked as a part-time researcher for nonprofit groups such as National Environmental Trust and Hampshire Research, and has done reports and data analysis for groups such as Greenpeace, U.S. PIRG, and the Sierra Club, as well as for governmental entities such as U.S. EPA and the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation. A list of his published reports and database tools is available at

Rich Puchalsky received a Master's Degree in Astronomy from the University of Maryland in 1990 and a Bachelor's in Physics from Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute in 1986.

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