EPA Announces E-rulemaking Online Forum, Public Meetings
by Sean Moulton, 7/23/2004
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced a countrywide series of public forums for August on an eRulemaking Initiative. The four forums will be held in Boston, Chicago, San Francisco and Washington, D.C. In addition to EPA's public meetings, Harvard University is partnering with the eRulemaking Initiative to host an online dialogue during August. Details about the online dialogue will be released soon.
The eRulemaking Initiative is an effort to develop online tools that will allow agencies to more effectively utilize Internet technology in their regulatory process. The increased use of technology holds significant promise for increasing the transparency and accountability of government agencies. The eRulemaking Initiative could provide improved access to government information related to regulatory programs along with new search and information management tools.
The EPA hopes to use the forums to gather feedback on the usability and features of the electronic system currently available to the public at the Regulations.gov website. The forums will also provide an opportunity to provide input on the planned government-wide electronic federal docket management system. The forums are open to any and all stakeholders. The announcement is published in the Federal Register.