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The Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS) was a federal advisory agency that existed from 1968 to 1995. The ACUS made over 300 recommendations on administrative procedure issues; over 200 of which were enacted either by agencies or by Congress. Though the ACUS was cut by a House-Senate conference in 1995, its recommendations still provide a useful reference on administrative issues, such as adjudication, administration, governmental processes, judicial review, regulation, and rulemaking.The Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS) was a federal advisory agency that existed from 1968 to 1995. The ACUS made over 300 recommendations on administrative procedure issues; over 200 of which were enacted either by agencies or by Congress. Though the ACUS was cut by a House-Senate conference in 1995, its recommendations still provide a useful reference on administrative issues, such as adjudication, administration, governmental processes, judicial review, regulation, and rulemaking. These recommendations are available at


Glossary index:  ABCD  |  EFGH  |  IJKLMN  |  OPQR  |  STUVWXYZ

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