White House Pushes for Sunsets, Reorganization Power
by Guest Blogger, 2/22/2006
The White House used its annual budget submission yet again as a platform to call for policies that would distort the management of government programs.
Both the budget submission that was released Feb. 6 and the follow-up document detailing programs slated for elimination or deep cuts reiterated the White House's call for sunset and reorganization authority legislation.
Bills have been introduced in past Congresses to further these goals, but they typically failed to advance. That the White House is not only endorsing but also actively proposing sunset and reorganization proposals is a new factor, as is the sheer number of bills that have been introduced to push the concepts.
Click here for more information on the sunset commission proposals, and here for more information on the reorganization authority proposals. Click here for recent OMB Watch testimony on two bills in the House that embody the White House proposals.