Government Performance Workshop
by Craig Jennings, 9/12/2008
Georgetown University's Public Policy Institute and Accenture's Institute for Public Service are working together in 2008 to host a series of panel events on issues of national importance affecting the U.S. federal government. The first panel was held in March, 2008 and dealt with performance measurement in government. The panel resulted in a plan to explore the topic in more depth.
Georgetown University's Public Policy Institute and Accenture's Institute for Public Service are working together in 2008 to host a series of panel events on issues of national importance affecting the U.S. federal government. The first panel was held in March, 2008 and dealt with performance measurement in government. The panel resulted in a plan to explore the topic in more depth.
Georgetown and Accenture are now partnering with OMB Watch, a nonprofit research and advocacy organization located in Washington D.C., to develop consensus recommendations for the next presidential administration on how to improve government performance measurement systems. We hope to convene a wide range of policy experts, academics, government representatives, and other to explore developing areas of agreement in a very disparate field.
Details of the Performance Project
Background on the project
Advisory Group Biographies
Final Report:
Building a Better Government Performance System: Recommendations to the Obama Administration