OMB Watch Calls for E-Rulemaking Reforms

On July 2, 2009, OMB Watch made the following comments as a contribution to the Obama administration’s Open Government Initiative. The comments were posted here:

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Obama Administration Asks for Public Views on E-Rulemaking

The Obama administration is asking for feedback on its efforts to include the public in regulatory decision making. E-rulemaking allows citizens and stakeholders to comment on regulations and other government documents online, but existing challenges have limited public participation.

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OIRA's Role in the Obama Administration Examined

A panel of regulatory policy experts discussed how the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs has been functioning during the Obama administration and how reforms could benefit the public. The discussion came as the White House prepares to issue a new executive order that could alter the way regulations are written.

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White House Role in Rulemaking Could Improve, Report Says


The White House is a major player in agency rulemakings, affecting both the content of regulations and the length of time needed to complete them, according to a recent Government Accountability Office (GAO) report. The report comes as advisors to President Barack Obama consider reforms to the regulatory process.

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OIRA Nominee Sunstein Promises Law and Pragmatism Will Guide Decisions

During his May 12 confirmation hearing, President Barack Obama's choice for regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein, portrayed himself as a pragmatist, one who will not use economic analysis as a straitjacket for regulations. In pledging to look to the law first for regulatory guidance, Sunstein tried to distance himself from past regulatory czars who strongly supported economic analysis to judge the adequacy of health, safety, and environmental rules.

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OMB Watch Statement on Cass Sunstein Confirmation Hearing

WASHINGTON, May 13, 2009—On May 12, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee held a hearing on the nomination of Cass Sunstein to be administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). A highly respected academic, Professor Sunstein has authored a number of provocative writings on regulation and the regulatory process. His hearing was the first opportunity to hear how he would implement President Barack Obama's regulatory agenda.

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Under Obama, Sun Setting on Bush Midnight Rules

The Obama administration continues to reverse policies left by the Bush administration, including many controversial regulations finalized near the end of President Bush's term. Administration officials are employing different strategies with the goal of overturning or significantly altering some of the Bush administration's so-called midnight regulations.

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Comments on New Regulatory Order Pour into OMB

Approximately 170 groups and individuals submitted comments for the Obama administration to consider as it begins reshaping or retaining the current regulatory structure. Although they varied significantly in many details, the comments reflect a familiar split between business interests and public interests that has characterized the regulatory debate for years.

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High Court Rebuffs Environmentalists, Permits Cost-Benefit Analysis

The U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled 6-3 that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) can weigh costs against benefits under parts of the Clean Water Act. The court said EPA was not required to impose the most environmentally protective requirements on power plants that inadvertently kill millions of fish.

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OSHA Agenda Will Include Diacetyl, Secretary Says

Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis announced that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) intends to limit workers' exposure to the food flavoring chemical diacetyl. Diacetyl regulation was one of the many worker protection issues left unresolved by the Bush administration.

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