Administration Kills Contractor Responsibility Rule

Two days after Christmas, with no one around to object, the Bush administration quietly revoked a Clinton-era rule that promotes greater accountability for federal contractors -- to make sure they comply with important public protections. Specifically, this contractor responsibility standard instructed government contracting officers to look at a bidding company's compliance with the law (including tax laws, labor laws, employment laws, environmental laws, antitrust laws and consumer protection laws) before awarding taxpayer dollars.

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OMB Identifies Regulations for Repeal

As part of its annual report to Congress on the costs and benefits of federal regulation, released last week, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) published a list of 23 "high priority" regulations it believes should be rescinded or revised. Many of these regulations are health, safety, and environmental standards, including major clean air and water standards (e.g., New

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OMB Watch Launches First Issue of the Executive Report

This monthly report will provide an in-depth look at a variety of executive branch issues.

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EPA Seeks to Delay Pollution Cuts for Utilities

Though announcement serves as another example of how the Bush administration will cater to industry interests at the cost of public health, EPA spokesperson says it is not an attempt to roll back the rule.

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The Bush Administration Weakens Wetlands Rules

On January 14 the Army Corps of Engineers announced changes to several wetlands rules that will make it easier for developers, mining companies and others to qualify for general permits to dredge and fill wetlands, according to the Washington Post. This action comes on the heels of an October 2001 decision in which the Army Corps of Engineers issued a policy that allows developers to offset losses of wetlands on one site by protecting wetlands, or even dry land, elsewhere.

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Scalia Escapes Senate Confirmation to Become DOL Solicitor

As Solicitor, Scalia has jurisdiction over a wide range of legal and regulatory issues, ranging from mine safety and job training, to migrant workers and pension rights.

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Information Collection Requests up for Expiration

Normally, when agencies have pending paperwork requests at OIRA that do not get reviewed by the expiration date, approval for one year is inferred under the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA).

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Senate Confirms Daniels for OMB in 100-0 Vote

After a mere 20 minutes of debate, the Senate unanimously confirmed Bush's choice for director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Mitch Daniels. The decisions Daniels makes will be critical, and not just to OMB, but to the entire federal government. For a discussion of what Daniels may mean for OMB, see the January 22, 2001 Watcher.

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Supreme Court Upholds Clean Air Rulemaking

Feb., 28 2001 In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court ruled (on Feb. 27) that EPA had exercised proper authority in promulgating its 1997 clean air standards on ozone (smog) and particulate matter (soot). This represents a major victory for public health advocates and a major blow to industry polluters – which argued, first, that EPA had taken on powers reserved to Congress and, second, that it had improperly excluded cost considerations in developing the rules. The Supreme Court’s action overturns an earlier ruling by a U.S.

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Congress Votes to Repeal Ergonomics Standard

March 7, 2001 Largely along party lines, Congress has voted to repeal ergonomics standards to protect workers from repetitive stress injuries, such as carpel tunnel syndrome. The House voted Wednesday night 223-206 to repeal the rule, with 206 Republicans voting for the "resolution of disapproval" and 191 Democrats against it; 13 Republicans and 16 Democrats crossed party lines. Click here for a complete list of how members voted. The debate in the House was limited to 60 minutes, infuriating Democrats.

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