Recent Studies Show Lack of Enforcement of Environmental Laws

Enforcement of federal environmental law has declined significantly during the Bush years, according to several recent studies, even as the 30-year trend of environmental improvement has begun to reverse course. Declining Enforcement

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Partisan Patterns Detected in Civil Rights, Environment Decisions

Federal judges appointed by Republican administrations -- and the Bush administration in particular -- are expressing, through decisions and dissents, a marked bias against civil rights, environmental, and other public interest litigation, according to two new reports.

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Administration Continues to Suppress, Weaken Science

In three separate cases in the past month, agency scientists have claimed that government agency officials have suppressed or softened their scientific findings, allowing policies harmful to public health and the environment to be carried out despite scientific evidence of their potential harm. Antidepressants and Vioxx

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RegWatch Roundup

If you haven't been reading RegWatch, our new regulatory policy weblog, here's a look at what you've been missing. Regulatory Policy Failures So what's the federal government doing to protect us from bio-terrorism?
  • Weakening needed rules, after meeting with the food industry!
  • Promoting a Bioshield program that is inadequate to the task!
But surely our nuclear facilities are being secured against terrorism threats. Right?

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    House Committee Blasts FDA for Delay on Antidepressant Warnings

    Food and Drug Administration officials were forced before a House committee to defend their choice not to respond with precautionary measures despite mounting evidence from as early as 1996 that antidepressants could be causing increases in suicidality (both suicidal ideation and suicide attempts) in children.

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    States Take Lead on Emissions Standards

    Fearing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) may stall or weaken federal regulation on diesel emissions, 11 states and the District of Columbia announced on Sept. 29 plans to implement California's standards for diesel fuel emissions as a backup to the federal regulation promulgated by EPA.

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    Industry Influence Weakens USDA Dietary Guidelines

    The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, which includes seven members with strong industry connections, recently released its recommendations for an update of Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Not surprisingly, the committee's recommendations for controlling intake of carbohydrates, sugars and fats were vague and weak, prompting 25 nutritionists to send a letter to HHS calling for stronger, clearer language.

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    Court Declines to Bar Regionally Restricted Vehicle Recalls

    The agency charged with keeping motor vehicles safe and reliable has been allowing automakers to restrict vehicle defect recalls to selected states rather than conduct recalls nationwide. Now a federal court has declined to bar such regionally restricted recalls. Regional Recalls

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    Congress Defies White House, Saves Overtime for Millions

    Both the Senate Appropriations Committee and the House of Representatives have defied a White House veto threat and voted to save overtime rights for millions of workers. Full story.

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    Nuclear Commission Avoids Accountability in Secret Rule Change

    The Nuclear Regulatory Commission illegally issued new orders, without opportunity for public participation, that secretly change terrorism preparedness requirements for nuclear facilities, according to a challenge filed by two citizen groups and recently argued in a federal appeals court.

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