Text of Santorum Amendment to S.256

Download text of the anti-regulatory components of the Santorum amendment to the Senate bankruptcy bill.

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Emperor Bush?

How the White House and Congress Are Establishing an Imperial Presidency Analyses of pending and expected antiregulatory proposals have revealed the usual themes from years past � net benefits, regulatory budgeting, sunsets, and so on. An unexpected theme has also been emerging, which is worth noting for anyone committed to a progressive vision of an open, accountable government responsive to public needs: a trend in favor of concentrating power in the White House free of democratic accountability. In short, the creation of an imperial presidency. Imperial Presidency Proposals

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Budget Slashes Enforcement at FDA, EPA

The White House�s fiscal year 2006 budget submission will mean big cuts in food and drug safety inspection as well as state enforcement of environmental protections. FDA Amidst mounting concern over the safety of our food supply from threats such as mad cow disease and bioterrorism and after a storm of criticism about FDA�s botched inspection of British flu vaccine facilities, which led to a vaccine shortage this winter, FDA�s budget proposes cuts to nearly all of its inspection programs.

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FDA Announces Drug Safety Oversight Board

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) plans to initiate an independent oversight board to handle drug safety issues, but some lawmakers and consumer groups say the new panel lacks teeth. Michael Leavitt, secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), announced Feb. 15 that FDA will create an independent drug safety oversight board. The board will be responsible for overseeing drug safety policies and resolving internal disputes over drug risks as well as approving information and content for a new government website on drug safety information.

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Budget Includes Anti-Regulatory Proposals

As expected, the White House included several threats of new anti-regulatory initiatives in today’s budget release to Congress. As OMB Watch reported earlier, the White House used the occasion of the budget release to announce two proposals for creating unelected commissions with far-reaching powers to weaken protections of the public health, safety, civil rights, and environment:

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    OSHA Must Improve Safety for Meat and Poultry Workers

    Recent reports highlight the dangerous and sometimes deadly working conditions faced by workers in the meat industry and the urgent need for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to take increased actions.

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    Bill Would Place Homeland Security Above All Law

    A bill to establish national identification card standards and restrict asylum claims also contains a controversial provision to empower the Secretary of Homeland Security to waive any and all laws in the course of securing the borders from illegal immigration. The provision also includes an exemption from judicial review that not only shields the waiver decisions from court scrutiny but also strips courts of any power to order remedies for anyone harmed by the consequences of such decisions. Background

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    House Bill Calls for Agency Performance Ratings

    A controversial bill that would require yet more burdensome analysis of regulatory and other government programs has resurfaced after passing the House but stalling in the Senate during the 108th Congress.

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    EPA Assessment Finds Potential Risk to Humans in Teflon

    While an Environmental Protection Agency draft risk assessment for a chemical compound used in the production of Teflon did find that exposure could lead to adverse health effects, EPA fell far short of condemning the chemical or its makers.

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    H.R. 185 - Program Assessment & Results Act

    Download text of the PAR Act as introduced in the 109th Congress.

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