Senate May Soon Consider Anti-regulatory, Anti-worker Bill

Rumors are circulating on Capitol Hill that H.R. 2728, a bill that threatens protections of public health, safety and environment across the board and specifically weakens protections of workplace health and safety, may soon be taken up in the Senate. Among the rumored scenarios are that the bill could be appended to a pending bill that would alter interstate class action lawsuits and that it could be offered as an amendment at any point in which a Democrat-sponsored minimum wage increase is offered.

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Mexican Trucks Allowed to Run Over Environmental Law

A unanimous Supreme Court has held that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) did not violate U.S. environmental law by failing to conduct an environmental impact statement (EIS) of increased pollution from allowing Mexican trucks to operate in the United States beyond limited border zones. The Court's decision reversed the opinion of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. That ruling required FMCSA to consider the pollution increase in a full EIS prior to issuing regulations governing applications and safety inspections for Mexican trucks to operate in the United States.

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OMB Role in Fuel Economy Change Exposed

White House staff prompted the development of a controversial proposed overhaul of the entire structure of automobile fuel economy regulation aimed at diminishing standards. Foremost among the architects of the change was John Graham, administrator of OMB's Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA).

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New Bush Regulatory Report: Ex-Agency Workers Describe Anti-Regulatory Agenda

Citizens for Sensible Safeguards released a new report documenting a systematic attack on regulatory protections to a standing-room-only crowd at an event that featured former federal workers who have resigned in protest of that attack. The report, Special Interest Takeover: The Bush Administration and the Dismantling of Public Safeguards, was produced on behalf of Citizens for Sensible Safeguards by OMB Watch and the Center for American Progress.

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Anti-Regulatory, Anti-Worker Bills Pass House

The House advanced the regulatory rollback this month by passing five bills, one of which threatens safeguards across the board while the other four specifically target workplace health and safety protections. The first of these bills, subtitled the " HREF=""> Paperwork and Regulatory Improvements Act of 2004," authorizes a pilot project for "regulatory budgeting" at three of five public health, safety, or environment agencies. Although modified somewhat from its first draft, in part because of

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Anti-worker, Anti-regulatory Bills Pass House

The House of Representatives voted to pass five bills, four of which threaten workplace safety while the other threatens regulatory safeguards across the board. The anti-regulatory bill, H.R. 2432, authorizes a study of "regulatory budgeting," a project that could ration protections of the public health, safety, and environment by setting an artificial cap of regulatory "costs" that can be imposed. An amendment proposed by Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) would have established a panel to study the politicization of science, but it was defeated just before the House voted to pass the bill.

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Side-Impact Air Bag Rule Issued, but Advocates Raise Questions

The federal highway safety agency has issued a new rule requiring side-impact air bags. Safety advocates argue that, while a significant step forward, the rule is neither innovative nor sufficient to address side-impact collisions. The new rule governs the amount of impact a test dummy registers during crash testing. The consequences of the new performance standard will most likely be that automakers will make air bags that protect the head during side-impact collisions a standard feature of new vehicles. For vehicles with sensors that detect a rollover, these

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OSHA Bills Protect Employers at Cost of Workers' Safety

The House may soon consider four bills amending the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, which would effectively consolidate White House control over the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC) and provide leniency to employers at the cost of the health and safety of workers.

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FDA Ignores Experts, Rejects Plan B for Over-the-Counter Use

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rejected an application to the "morning after pill" Plan B available without a prescription, despite the nearly unanimous advice of its own panel of experts that the drug is safe for over-the-counter use.

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eRulemaking Workshops

The School of Public Policy and Public Administration at the George Washington University will host a series of half-day workshops on the federal eRulemaking Initiative June 2 to 4. The purpose of the workshops is to solicit input from various end-user communities with a stake in eRulemaking.

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