Data Quality Challenge Helps Bump Species from Consideration for Endangered List

On March 31, 2003 the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) of the Department of the Interior received a data quality petition from Terry Bashore of the U.S. Air Force challenging information concerning FWS' proposed rule to list slickspot peppergrass as an endangered species. The challenge clearly contributed to the FWS' decision to withdraw its proposal to recognize and protect the plant as an endangered species.

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FBI Punishes Whistleblowers

Another former employee of the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) has come forward to blow the whistle on perceived failings and misconduct within the agency. Mike German, a 16 year veteran of the FBI, recently went public with accusations that the agency mismanagement a terrorism investigation. The case is being investigated but it is unclear how far the investigation will go given last month's dismissal of another FBI whistleblower case. New FBI Whistleblower

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Justice Dept. Asks for Destruction of Documents, Later Rescinds

The Department of Justice (DOJ) called for the destruction of all copies of five documents in library circulation, according to a July 20 message from the Superintendent of Documents. After public outcry from libraries and public interest groups, DOJ rescinded its request in a July 30 message. Although these training materials and other documents were already in the public domain, DOJ asserted that they were not appropriate for external use. One of the listed documents is a public law and law offices commonly use the others in assisting clients to reclaim assets from the government.

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Ask Your Representatives to Investigate the Data Quality Act

OMB recently published a report to Congress that analyzes and summarizes the first year under the Information Quality Act (IQA). The IQA, commonly known as the Data Quality Act, requires agencies to produce guidelines to ensure that information they use is of high quality. OMB Watch responded with an analysis, which found OMB's report presented Congress with misleading and incorrect facts. Congress never had a hearing on the law, and in light of the OMB report, it is now time for congressional oversight.

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Ohio Proposes Strengthening Open Records Law

Officials in Ohio will soon introduce a bill to the state legislature that would improve the state's current open records laws, according to the Plain Dealer. This comes after a recent survey revealed the state complied with requests for records less than half the time. The new provisions would require elected officials to receive two hours of public records training and government offices to create records manuals. Judges could also fine those violating the law up to $1,000 a day. While these changes could greatly improve compliance with the laws, some believe it is not enough.

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Justice Department Supports Dismissal of Second Data Quality Lawsuit

The Justice Department (DOJ) issued a brief June 25 recommending the dismissal of a lawsuit filed by the Chamber of Commerce and the Salt Institute under the Data Quality Act (DQA). The March 31 lawsuit against the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) within the National Institutes of Health (NIH) challenged agency statements about sodium consumption.

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Data Quality Whistleblower Fired

A Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) biologist has been fired after filing a data quality challenge that accused the agency of using flawed science in approving development projects in Florida panther habitat.

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