Highlights from the Right to Know Resource Center

Homeland security is the hot issue of the day. So what could be better than to highlight in one place the many resources and groups working to represent the public's interests in homeland security debates? The Right to Know Resource Center, coordinated by OMB Watch for OpenTheGovernment.org, introduces the many facets of homeland security policies, explains the impacts on efforts to undermine the Freedom of Information Act and summarizes restrictions on the free flow of information in our open society that give the biggest opportunities for abuse.

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House Resolution on Energy Task Force Fails

The House Energy and Commerce Committee rejected a resolution last Wednesday that would have sought information on Vice President Dick Cheney's energy task force. The resolution sparked a rowdy and highly partisan committee session in which no debate was allowed before the vote. Reps. John Dingell (D-MI), Henry Waxman (D-CA) and Edward Markey (D-MA) introduced House Resolution 745 on July 22. If passed, it would have asked President Bush to provide the House with specified task force information within two weeks. The information would include:

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Data Quality Act Progresses in the Courts

The debate over whether the Data Quality Act (DQA) is judicially reviewable might be getting closer to an end. The federal judge reviewing an industry DQA lawsuit questioned whether the statutory language provides for such review during oral arguments Sept. 3.

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Audit of Sensitive Security Information Requested

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) received a request from two House members last week, asking for an investigation into the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) use of the "sensitive security information" (SSI) provisions. SSI receives protected status, which shields it from public disclosure.

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Health Effects and Misinformation Drive 9/11 Suit

Leaseholders of the World Trader Center now face a suit from recovery workers, after hundreds of thousands of people were exposed to toxics immediately after the 9/11 attacks. This comes at the same time that a report reveals the government has not monitored or studied people suffering adverse health effects from 9/11.

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Homeland Security Whistleblowers Work Together

Homeland security whistleblowers recently joined together in two different efforts. One group of whistleblowers issued a memo calling upon other government officials to come forward with information on mismanagement and deception. Another group released a letter criticizing the 9/11 commission's report for not attaching accountability to specific individuals. Call to Whistleblowers

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Study Finds Nuclear Facilities Vulnerable to Attack

Access to information on nuclear security has been hard to come by, but some information has been surfacing that raises concerns about the security of America's nuclear power plants. Since 9/11, nuclear reactors and chemical plants have received considerable attention with critics calling for stronger government requirements and oversight to better ensure the safety of neighboring communities.

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