States Present Opportunities and Pitfalls for Progressive Regulation

Although many progressives have begun to focus resources on winning battles in the states, the regulatory record at the state level is characterized by both opportunities and potential pitfalls. Successes at the State Level Under the Bush administration, many important federal regulations have been stalled, weakened or even rolled back. In such cases, states have often been forced to take matters into their own hands, developing their own regulations that are more stringent than the national standards.

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Legislative Update: Federalism Bills

Legislative developments brewing in the 109th Congress could alter the relationships between the federal and state governments, thus potentially distorting important regulatory protections. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act Revisions

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A Table of Requirements for Federal Administrative Rulemaking

A table of requirements that agencies must consider when adopting a rule, prompted by the concerns of the ABA Rulemaking Committee, Section of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice, over the protracted nature of the current rulemaking process. Download Mark Seidenfeld, "A Table of Requirements for Federal Administrative Rulemaking," 27 Fla. St. U.L. Rev. 533 (2000).

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2005 OIRA Regulatory Accounting Report

Downloads for OIRA’s 2005 annual regulatory accounting report: Draft report Final report

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2004 OIRA Regulatory Accounting Report

Downloads for OIRA’s 2004 annual regulatory accounting report: Draft report Final report

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2003 OIRA Regulatory Accounting Report

Downloads for OIRA’s 2003 annual regulatory accounting report: Draft report Final report

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2002 OIRA Regulatory Accounting Report

Downloads for OIRA’s 2002 annual regulatory accounting report: Draft report Final report

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2001 OIRA Regulatory Accounting Report

Download OIRA’s 2001 final annual regulatory accounting report.

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2000 OIRA Regulatory Accounting Report

Download OIRA’s 2000 final annual regulatory accounting report, and accompanying charts.

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1998 OIRA Regulatory Accounting Report

Download OIRA’s 1998 final annual regulatory accounting report.

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