Hearing Highlights Confusion Caused by "Legalese" in Regulation

Writing regulations in a way that is clear and easy to understand will save the government, taxpayers and regulated communities time and money, according to witnesses testifying on Mar. 1 before the House Government Reform Committee's Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs.

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Testimony on Reauthorization of the Paperwork Reduction Act

Testimony of J. Robert Shull, Director of Regulatory Policy, before the Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs of the House Committee on Government Reform

on "The Paperwork Reduction Act at 25: Opportunities to Strengthen and Improve the Law"

Mar. 8, 2006

Read the press release

Download the prepared statement and appendix.Testimony of J. Robert Shull, Director of Regulatory Policy, before the Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs of the House Committee on Government Reform

on "The Paperwork Reduction Act at 25: Opportunities to Strengthen and Improve the Law"

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More than Paperwork

Despite its name, the Paperwork Reduction Act concerns much more than paperwork: it is a comprehensive law for management of information resources. Find out more with this backgrounder and this at-a-glance summary of the major parts of the PRA.

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GAO Reports: Paperwork Reduction Act

A compendium of GAO Reports related to the Paperwork Reduction Act and information management policy.

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What Others Are Saying About PART

OMB Watch is not alone in criticizing the White House's Program Assessment Rating Tool. See what others have had to say recently about this flawed measure. PART Punishes Programs for Following the Law Clay Johnson, OMB deputy director, when asked in a congressional hearing, "[I]s it possible for a program to get a poor rating simply because it does what's required by statute and not necessarily what OMB might like for that program to do?": Yes.

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White House Pushes for Sunsets, Reorganization Power

The White House used its annual budget submission yet again as a platform to call for policies that would distort the management of government programs. Both the budget submission that was released Feb. 6 and the follow-up document detailing programs slated for elimination or deep cuts reiterated the White House's call for sunset and reorganization authority legislation.

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Risk Bulletin Advances Graham Anti-Reg Agenda

From cost-benefit guidelines to the new draft policy on risk assessments, White House regulatory czar John Graham has steadily proceeded with a long-range plan laying the groundwork for dramatic limits on public safeguards.

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Circular A-4: Regulatory Analysis

The White House circular governing regulatory impact analyses Download PDF

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Ranking Regulatory "Investments" in Public Health

From FY03 budget volumes: discussion of cost-effectiveness analysis, QALYs, and league tables for ranking regulatory safeguards Download PDF

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Deadline Extension for Comments

Download OMB's notice extending the deadline for comments from 12/23 to 1/9.Download OMB's notice extending the deadline for comments from 12/23 to 1/9.

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