1997 OIRA Regulatory Accounting Report

Download OIRA’s 1997 final annual regulatory accounting report.

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Testimony on Congressional Office of Regulatory Analysis Creation Act

Statement of Gary D. Bass, Ph.D. Executive Director OMB Watch Before the Subcommittee on National Economic Growth, Natural Resources, and Regulatory Affairs of the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight On Congressional Office of Regulatory Analysis Creation Act March 11, 1998 My name is Gary Bass and I am executive director of OMB Watch, a nonprofit research and advocacy organization that works to encourage greater civic participation in federal decision-making and promote a more open, responsive, and accountable government.

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Testimony on Congressional Office of Regulatory Analysis Creation Act

Statement of Gary D. Bass, Ph.D. Executive Director OMB Watch Before the Subcommittee on Regulatory Reform and Paperwork Reduction of the House Committee on Small Business On Congressional Office of Regulatory Analysis Creation Act July 10, 1997 My name is Gary Bass and I am executive director of OMB Watch, a nonprofit research and advocacy organization that works to encourage greater civic participation in government decision-making and promote a more open, responsive, and accountable federal government.

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Regulation and Competitiveness

Anti-regulatory arguments claim that regulation is inherently a burden that weakens the competitiveness of American businesses in the global market. This issue brief examines the many scholarly studies that indicate the opposite is true: regulation does not hinder U.S. competitiveness but, instead, may actually increase the competitive advantage of the United States.

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Regulatory Agendas

See Unified Agenda Glossary index:  ABCD  |  EFGH  |  IJKLMN  |  OPQR  |  STUVWXYZ

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High Court Nominee Admits Lobbying OMB, FDA

Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts, Jr. conceded that he omitted records of lobbying the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from his other public disclosures, after Newsday uncovered the lobbying activities.

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Reject White House Interference in Agency Rulemaking, OMB Watch Tells Court

The White House improperly forced the Environmental Protection Agency to put aquatic wildlife at risk at the behest of corporate special interests, OMB Watch told a federal court today.

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Administration Withholds Rationales Behind Anti-Regulatory Hit List

The Bush administration is refusing to inform the public about the justifications for deciding which regulatory protections were added to its hit list of safeguards to be weakened or eliminated.

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Legislative Update: Bills to Watch

The following is an update on bills introduced so far in the 109th Congress that could affect regulatory policy in the public interest. By Bill Number | By Subject Bills to Watch H.R. 185 — Program Assessment and Results Act

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H.R. 682 - Reg Flex Burden Bill: first step to regulatory sunsets

H.R. 682 — Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act POSITION: We OPPOSE this bill. Description First step in the direction of regulatory sunsets. The jusitification for reg sunsets is that older regs should expired because they are outdated, but some older regs -- like the phase-out of lead in gasoline -- are still the right thing to do even decades later. This bill would increase the burdensome and unnecessary navel-gazing of the Reg Flex Act and link those periodic reviews with assessments whether older rules should be rescinded.

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