White House Demands Power to Restructure Government

The White House finally released last week its proposal for legislation granting the Bush administration wide-ranging powers to restructure government programs and force them to plead for their lives every 10 years.

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Hearing on Hit List Addresses Larger Regulatory Policy Issues

A House subcommittee hearing on the White House's anti-regulatory hit list became a venue for stakeholders to voice their positions on the broader ongoing debate over public protections and political interference in regulatory policy, pitting corporate-conservative talking points against evidence of the need for stringent safeguards.

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White House Power Grab Puts Public at Risk

Statement of Robert Shull, Director of Regulatory Policy & Adam Hughes, Budget Policy Analyst
The White House submitted a legislative proposal to Congress today that would imperil the balance between the executive and legislative branches by concentrating power in the White House free of democratic accountability and would expose long-standing public protections to powerful special interests and industry insiders.

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Costs of Work-Related Harms Underestimated but Soaring

Even as the cost of serious workplace injury continues to soar, new research concludes that those costs are significantly underestimated. A recent report by insurance company Liberty Mutual revealed that the cost of serious workplace injuries has skyrocketed in recent years. After adjusting for inflation in both health care costs and wages, Liberty Mutual calculated that the cost of serious workplace injuries increased by 12.1 percent between 1998 and 2002, with over half of that increase occurring in 2002.

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OMB Report on Regulation Misguided, Misleading

An annual draft report from the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) misleads the public on regulatory safeguards and makes OMB appear poised to impose misguided anti-regulatory policies, OMB Watch and other public interest groups told the White House last week. About the Report

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Senate Investigates the Program Assessment Rating Tool

On Tuesday, June 14 the Senate subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, and International Security held a hearing on accountability and results in federal budgeting. Specifically, the hearing was held to investigate the specific metrics and tools used by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to measure the effectiveness of federal programs, the advantages and disadvantages of using these systems of measurement, and how information obtained is used to increase accountability in federal budgeting.

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H.R. 725 - Regulatory Budgeting Bill

H.R. 725 — Paperwork and Regulatory Improvements Act of 2005 POSITION: We OPPOSE this bill. Description This bill is the first step in the direction of regulatory budgeting. The vision of regulatory budgeting is that agencies are given fictional “budgets” of total costs that can be imposed on industry through regulations. When an agency reaches its fictional budgetary cap, it must cease regulating. The bill would authorize a pilot study of reg budgeting. Official description: 2/9/2005--Introduced.

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OMB Watch Champions Information and Public Access

OMB Watch testified before the House Government Reform Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs in a June 14 hearing on the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA).

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Congress Grapples With Industry Influence at FDA

Efforts to free the Food and Drug Administration from the pharmaceutical industry's excessive influence seesawed between success and failure in the same week, as the House voted to ban drug company scientists from FDA advisory committees while an agency whistleblower revealed that a new drug safety board has been tilted in favor of the drug companies. New Drug Safety Board Biased Towards Industry

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